
Thursday, 24 April 2014

Day 61-63 Siem Reap: Part 2

Our second half of the week started with a gecko falling onto my shoulder in a local restaurant, thus causing me to squeel like a baby..much to the amusement of all of the locals (who did a series of impressions) ha ha

The food there was cheap AND nice AND in generous portions though...YES!       

Whenever we get a big portion we (mostly Marie and me) save half to eat for dinner too.

We went to the markets, which were pretty crazy! 

We had another day of lazing around our pool, in preperatiom for two days of birthday celebrations.

Then went back to the same place for more food. The people there were great and remembered us as soon as we walked in, even with every table full and having worked all day long.

We went to the temples for my birthday.

We left the hostel at 5am to watch the sunrise at Angkor Wat..

Then we went to Sra sang

Then Ta Keo

Then Chau Say Thevoda

Then Thommanom

Then Preah Khan   

Then Neak Prean

And finally to Ta Som

Marie and Jack got me a beautiful bag for my birthday :)

Then in the evening, we ate the most exquisite meal in the world at Genevieves      

After living on rice and noodles and really low budget food for two months, this couldn't have tasted any better. 

We had melt in your mouth duck, pizza and salmon, along with a bottle of red wine (the first wine I've had in months... YES) and finished it off with chocolate mousse.

The waiter even sang happy birthday to me too.

We went on about it all night are continuing to do so now!

Afterwards, we went out on the pub crawl, organised through our hostel. 

The rules were;

You can't say your name
Or drink out of your right hand
Or say drink
Or point

If you did any of the above you either had to down your drink, or gulp a number of fingers worth.

Names wise....I was Fogul.. Marie was ShaNayNay.. Jack was Maximus and our new friend was Avion.

We went to a carnival..

Then a go go (stripper) bar for free shots     

Jack went home after that because he was feeling really ill again

Marie and me continued to a bar called 'Tuk Tuk' bar, where the lads who work at our hostel were pouring a bottle of whiskey down our necks (I got double because it was my birthday)!!! 

Then X-Bar      

Then we called it a day.

The next day was Jacks 21st but he was bedbound all day, so we're pretending it's a different day when he's better.

We lazed around the pool and had another film night.

The next day, we soaked up more sun and enjoyed the last day of the pool.

We stopped at our go-to Khmer restaurant,  which we pretty much became regulars at..

We gave Jack his birthday presents and card.

We caught Ben and Elena who arrived on our last day too. They bought us some t-shirts for our birthday too! 

We drank some sneaky whiskey..

Some (brave) guy actually let Marie cut his hair.

Jack and me went to a local pharmacy. The lady there spoke fairly good English and when we'd both explained that Jack had been ill on and off for a couple of weeks (and acted out the symptoms), she pulled five differemt types of tablets out of unlabelled sandwich bags.

We had no idea what they were but she seemed to know what she was doing!?

Then, we were off for the plane to begin our next adventure.

Next stop....Bangkok!

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