
Sunday, 1 June 2014

Day 107 - HOME & Thank You

Over 14 weeks, around 3.5 months..
..we've stayed in 49 hostels..
.. in 38 places.. 9 countries..
..we've flown on 9 planes..
.. travelled on 35 buses..
..2 trains..
 ..and 14 boats.. 
..We've read 30 books between us..
..seen two Wonders of the World..
..have accumulated about a million bites.. 
..4 injuries.. 
..about 60 'worst sleeps of her life' (Marie).. ..lost 19 things (all Jack).. 
..we've seen sharks..
..and elephants..
 ..and sex on a stage.. 
.. we've ate centipedes, cockroaches and mushrooms..
..been tattooed by a monk..
..jumped out of a plane and over waterfalls..
..been on crazy treks and in deathly caves.. ..partied on mountains, beaches and in basements...

And we've somehow made it out alive with memories to last a lifetime, meeting some amazing people along the way!

Thank you for joining us on every step of our journey and sharing this amazing experience with us.

Who knows where the next stop will be?

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